Grants/ Organizational Donors
Whitley Fund for Nature Continuation Funding (2022-2024)
Maubeuge, France (2020-2022)
Parc Animalier de la Barben (2020-2022)
Cerza (2018-2022)
Lanka Environment Fund (2020-2021)
Whitley Award and Whitley Fund for Nature (2018-2019)
WildCRU, Oxford University (2016-2017)
ZGAP Grant- Zootier des Jahres (2016-2017)
CERZA Conservation, Lisaux, France (2008-2019)
Zoo de la Barben Conservation (2018, 2019)
Rufford Small Grant (2015-2016)
Ammonite Productions U.K. (2011)
Le Parc des Felins, France (2011)
Peoples Trust for Endangered Species, U.K. (PTES) (2008)
Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society (2002)
Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, Government of Sri Lanka (2001-2002)
Individual / Private Sector Donors:
Vogue Jewellers (Sri Lankan Iconic Collection) 2022-2023
AYU in the Wild (2022)
Olu Tropical Waters/Rockland Conservation (2018-2019)
Alliance Finance (2018-2020)
Version Unique Brazil (2019)
Back of Beyond (2017, 2019)
Resplendent Ceylon, Dilmah Conservation (2016-2019)
Leopard Safaris (2010-2012, 2014-2015)
DDN Selvadurai & Individual Donors (2006-2007, 2018-2019, 2020-2022)
Jetwing Research Initiative, Jetwing Group (2001-2002)
Richard Pieris Distributors Limited (Arpico) (2001)
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