The WWCT team is a dynamic group made up of its always constant founding members who are the Trust's primary researchers, an awareness officer and research station assistant and part time research assistants who come and go depending on ongoing projects, field locations and seasons. Added to this mix are students and volunteers whose numbers vary at any given time period within the year. When working within Protected Areas wildlife department staff join our field teams as needed. We are a small but dedicated team that believes in remaining thus so as to maximize our impact on the ground and reduce overhead costs so as to ensure that our limited and vital funds are utilized primarily for our research for conservation efforts.
Anjali and Andrew setting up a remote camera in the high montane forests of Sri Lanka.

Andrew and Anjali traversing the Central Highlands in the WWCT's trusty field truck.

Project officer Nimalka Sanjeewani crossing a stream to get to a location.

Andrew with field assistant Riahn Pieris in the field

Field assistant Emad Sangani setting up a remote camera.

Field assistant Jonathan with some visitors at the Dunkeld Research Station.

Masters student Maya Situnayake contemplates a data point in the field.